Product Line Engineering and Standardization: Mission Accomplished?
MODEVAR@SPLC 2021 Invited Talk, by Danilo Beuche
Is it a good sign for the PLE community that we now have a significant number standards related to product line engineering, or is it just a sign that PLE has been around for a long while now and is getting old?
This talk will try to give insights on the growing set of PLE standards, with a special focus on the recently released ISO 26580 related to feature-based product line engineering. However, the picture has be completed by including industry-specific standards such as AUTOSAR, standards focused on data exchange, upcoming and never released standards, etc. Each standard has a focus, an intended audience, real-world use and acceptance, and of course issues. As usual in any good product line, we should a have a look at commonality and differences between standards when it comes to this kind of facts.
Since I personally was directly or indirectly involved in the making of a few of these standards, and beside all the more data-driven aspects mentioned above, I am happy to share knowledge about how much fun/work it is to make a standard. And I am equally happy to share my very personal view on the standards I know well enough to be able to judge them.
The ultimate goal of this talk is to help you to find your answer to the question: “Should I care about PLE standards, and if so, which ones?”. A question you should really have an answer for these days.
Danilo Beuche is CEO in Pure-Systems GmbH. He is consultant with experience in development of complex (embedded) systems, object-oriented development, change and requirements management. His main focus is support of product line engineering activities. Specialties: software product line engineering, variant management. |